Depraved Bloodline Demo

Hello everyone!

First off I would like to say, wow!
I went into this thinking it wouldn't get much traction, but the numbers really surprised me.

I had basically no experience with coding or game design in general when I started this, I am learning as I go. I really enjoy doing this so I will keep on learning and hopefully deliver a full game that I can be proud of and that you will all enjoy.

Which brings me to my next point, the full game for which this was only a teaser.

Firstly, the full game changed name to Twisted Ties: Depraved Bloodline.

I am planning on making more games with incest content, Twisted Ties is the umbrella title for those games.

Secondly, the demo is getting close to completion,

I am expecting to publish it near the end of this month, so keep an eye out on my socials to get notified!

Thank you all for showing interest in this little project and I hope to be able to provide many hours of entertainment down the road!

Get My Big Brother

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